Saturday, July 12, 2008

Irregular Choice? Why yes it is.

Yes? No?

Thanks to Christina over at couture creatures for letting me know the brand of her prom shoes. I found these compelling heels over at Irregular Choice. I personally think they'd be an interesting addition to my closet, especially for normally bland outfits. Unfortunately, the US store is currently offline. I found this pair on the European site. Hopefully they'll be offered on the US one, whenever it comes back online.

And I am also reminded of my challenge to you guys:

What outfit would you conquer the world in? As the question implies, this is a hypothetical look where you do not need to possess the articles of clothing, nor plan on purchasing them.

For this challenge, I would like to tag the following people:

Yuko, Leslie, Christina (couture creatures) - yes, all three of you please. Christina, you need to post, woman.

Sooo... Have fun and I'm looking forward to seeing all your creative wardrobes!

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